Phase II: Downtown Rehabilitation

The City of Bryan is currently revitalizing its' downtown through several stages of an $8 million project. Determined to improve the overall look and utility of downtown Bryan, the City has focused on restoring streets and sidewalks to increase mobility of both vehicles and pedestrians.

In the second stage of the project, the focal point was 28th Street to 24th Street, including Bryan Avenue and all of the side streets in between. To improve this particular area of downtown, the focus was placed on replacing all underground utilities, and upgrading/adding to the storm sewer system. All existing overhead utilities were taken underground including electric, telephone, and TV. New sidewalks with ADA access to each building were installed, new concrete roadways and streetscape were also included.

GLS provided the design survey, boundary survey, engineering design, bid and construction phase services, and coordination with TCEQ, TxDOT and Railroad. The project was constructed by Kingsley Constructors.
38' Wide Roadway
12 Reconstructed Blocks
Traffic Control Plan
12" Waterline Design
6,000' ADA Sidewalk
8" & 12" Sanitary Sewer
ADA Path to Doorways
Streetscape Design
Irrigation Design
Storm Sewer Design
Construction Phasing

Pictured below are the before and after pictures showing a new sidewalk, ADA access to the building, concrete roadway and streetscape design.